Wait a minute ... you want to learn about me? Little 'ol me??
Wow. I am honored.

What I do:
I write picture books and board books! Yay! Pretty cool, huh? Just to be clear, I write them. I do NOT illustrate them (which you probably figured out when you saw my friends Pencil and Eraser over there).
My Goals:
* Find an editor or agent to represent me, my characters, and my unique style and humor.
* Be my future agent's most valuable client. Seriously.
* Be one of those amazing authors with, like, 200 books published. It's incredible... but I'm totally up for it.
* Published or not, I'm still creating. And always will be.
What I would tell an Agent:
* My submission package is waiting for you... just ask.
* I am NEVER short on ideas or drafts. They are everywhere. Literally and figuratively.
* I'm looking for a business partner. Two people who make each other more successful and have fun doing it.
* I want to be able to openly communicate,
bounce ideas off each other, and speak honestly.
* I'm willing to revise, rewrite, and rethink any and all stories to make the best story possible. I LOVE opinions.
More Personally:
I'm an awesome mom to Dimitri (11) and Elspeth (4). That's what I'm most proud of. Well... that and the fact I can move my pinky toes independently.
I know. I'm spilling talent, right?
What to Expect wtih a CJ Story:
* You are going to laugh. Like, actually laugh.
* There's a high probability something is going to be eaten or tricked. Or tricked then eaten. It happens.
* It might be moral-less. You might learn something or you might not. Or you might learn that you're not always going to learn something, so you've actually learned something after all. (Mic drop.)
* It might be written in all or mostly dialogue. But I promise the dialogue is super funny!
* Absolutely character-driven. Unique characters with fun voice and personality that are memorable.
* Could be dark (that's where the "tricked" and "eaten" comes in... and chainsaws. Intrigued?)
* There will be potty humor. Love it or hate it, there's nothing like hearing a kid laugh at a poop joke.
* It has heart. A sweetness. Either in character or story.
* Average word count: 550; Age range: 0-8
Writing Groups/Activities:
* The Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI Ohio North)
* Julie Hedlund's 12x12 Picture Book Challenge
* #Storystorm Participant
* #PBChat Participant
* Multiple critique partners/groups
* SCBWI, Mazza Museum, and local conferences, writing workshops,
webinars, contests, and discussions.
* Twitter writing community @cjpenko

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